Happy and Healthy with Amy Lang

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Helping you create the mindset you need for lasting weights loss,
with a dash of inspiration and stories that will bring it all to life.
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#44: Planning Thanksgiving During A Pandemic


In this episode, we share 5 tips to help you think about and prepare for Thanksgiving during this coronavirus pandemic.

Just as businesses that are still around figured out how to pivot, I want you to embrace this Thanksgiving as an opportunity.

The biggest mistake you can make is to resist or...

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#42: When Should Turns Into Self-Judgment and Shame

In this episode, we explain why using the word "should" can trigger self-judgment and shame.  In other words, when you turn feedback or assessment into judgment.  And when you look at yourself through the lens of social conformity, this can often lead to shame.

We then review how fat...

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#38: The 3 C’s For Coping With Stressful Times

In this episode, Amy Lang reviews the 3 C’s for coping with these stressful chaotic times.  When you learn how to control what you can, cope with what you can't and concentrate on what truly matters, you are focused on taking consistent action which will help you create the life you...

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#37: Ask Empowering Questions

When we talk about lasting weight loss, let’s be clear. Enduring change doesn’t happen overnight. It requires consistent action over time.

To get that consistency, there must be alignment between our thoughts, emotions and actions. And it all starts with our thoughts and, more...

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#25: Should You Wear A Mask?

In this episode, we address the question, "Should you wear a mask?"  That we’re asking this question is one of the biggest most costly mistakes that we’re making in responding to this pandemic.

And it's preventing us from not only taking steps to slow the spread but it’s...

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#22: When There's Not Enough Time

In this episode, we identify the non-negotiable parts of your life and how to put structures in place to make them happen. We focus your energies on creating the conditions that support your efforts to achieve the outcomes you desire.  We also address the self-limiting beliefs and the...

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#15: Three Effective Strategies for Creating Momentum

In this episode, we'll be talking about three key strategies to staying motivated and creating the consistency and momentum needed for lasting change, and finally achieve those results you've always wanted.

Want to create some healthy eating habits?  How about exercise? Or a meditation...

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#11: How To Make New Habits Stick

In this episode, we'll be talking about why we have and need habits, the anatomy of a habit, and how cravings can work to our advantage in making new habits stick.

The part about CRAVINGS is a game changer for lots of people so if you struggle with late-night snacking that sabotages your other...

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#8: When You're Feeling Stressed

In this episode, we'll be talking about emotional eating and healthier ways to cope with stressful situations by practicing gratitude, focusing on what we can control and managing our minds.

Note:  Because human connection and community are so vital to our sense of well being, I've...
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#7: One Day At A Time

In this episode, we'll be talking about focusing on what we can control and taking things one day at a time – one of the three pillars for lasting weight loss.  For planning each day, we'll be taking advantage of the PDSA Cycle to make it even easier to make things...

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